Prep:  20 min
Serves:  6
Average: 3.5 (2 votes)
Super easy entertaining! These little Grape Parfait cups can also be made ahead of time

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Grape Parfait
Grape Parfait
Grape Parfait
  1. Using 6 x 250ml capacity glasses, place a generous amount of yoghurt in the bottom of the glass followed by 3/4 of the muesli, all the green grapes, another dollop of yoghurt, red grapes, remaining yoghurt and the remaining muesli
  2. Garnish with a few mint leaves and 2 whole grapes
  3. Drizzle with the honey and serve immediately
Tips & Hints:
  • You can have these ready in advance in clear plastic cups wrapped tightly with plastic wrap to take to picnics. Pack honey separately to serve.
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